Batman Vs. Superman DoJ : First Look at Lex Luthor

Warner Bros via EW have officially revealed the long awaited look for Jesse Eisenberg “Lex Luthor”. There were many speculations about Eisenberg’s super villain role on whether he will keep his hair or go bald. Looks like, The Social Network actor will stay faithful to his classic and comic visual interpretation of Lex Luthor. In the picture, Eisenberg is sporting bald head look for his character.

He’s not any of the Lexes that you’ve seen, that’s for sure other than him being a captain of industry and one person to the world and another person to himself. And bald, of course.” Says Zack Snyder.

Batman Vs. Superman : Dawn of Justice is set to release in 2016 and includes Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Lex Luthor as one of the main antagonists for this Man of Steel sequel.


cr : Entertainment Weekly

Haly’s Circus and The Flying Graysons Will be Part of GOTHAM.

It’s been roller coaster ride for Jim Gordon lately in Gotham. Working in Arkham Asylum is definitely different experience from working in GCPD. But, the trouble doesn’t seem to end yet. In episode 16, The Blind Fortune Teller, that was being shot earlier this week, will gives us kind of circus theme. Vixen Varsity has rounded up some photos and details from the set.

As you can see below, the episode will be the introduction of Haly’s Circus and The Flying Graysons. Ring a bell? Well, all of DC and Batman fans may know that Dick Grayson is Nightwing/Robin. But, it seems so unlikely to see Nightwing (or Robin) on the show because even Bruce Wayne hasn’t suited up yet as The Dark Knight. So, we definitely will se Dick’s parents as ‘The Flying Graysons’. It was said that there will be a fight between clowns and trapeze artists. Mary Lloyd, the daughter of the clown falls in love with John Garyson, the son of the trapeze artists. Jim Gordon and Dr. Leslie Tompkins are spotted in the circus together. Will they be an item?

Looks like we need to wait until February or early March to find out what happened in the circus.


And actor Rob Gorrie is set to play John Grayson.

Souce : Vixen Varsity , Morena Baccarin


The Golden Glider is Coming to The Flash!

Double trouble for Flash!

Access Hollywood reported that The Flash recruited The Tomorrow People alum, Peyton List, joining her former co-star, Robbie Amell as Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm), as Lisa Snart or as comicbook fans know her as The Golden Glider.

Lisa Snart is the younger sister of Wentworth Miller’s Captain Cold. She described as sly, charming, little bit sadistic, and also not afraid to use her sexuality to get what she wants.

List is set to appear on the show’s episode called Rogue Time. She will cross path with Cisco which will raise the trouble for the Scarlet Speedster.

“The Beastmaster” Marc Singer Joins Arrow As General Shrieve

Following the shocking event in midseason finale, Arrow has announced that “The Beastmaster“, Marc Singer will join the cast of the series as General Shrieve, based on Lt. Matthew Shrieve, a DC Comic character created by J.M. DeMatteis and Pat Broderick.

General Shrieve is described as a recurring character who set to debut in the series fourteenth episode of season three. He will play a major role in flashback scenes.

In the comics, Shrieve is an American soldier involved with Project M and the leader of the Creature Commandos, an elite combat unit of soldiers with monster-like features. He has no powers and appears to be an ordinary human. In the New 52 reboot, the Creature Commandos are agents of S.H.A.D.E., an organization that has sometimes found itself in competition with A.R.G.U.S. for dominance in the metahuman community. In the alternate universe created during the Flashpoint crisis, Shrieve’s granddaughter Miranda, a monster hunter, was introduced and appeared in the Frankenstein and the Creature Commandos miniseries.

Arrow will return in January 21, 2015.

Source : Comicbook , Commicbook Resouces

Dr Wells is…. Reverse Flash?

Reverse-flashThe cat is out of the bag! Finally, The Flash has revealed who Reverse Flash is. It’s Dr. WELLS!!. The twist is kind of expected because Dr. Wells has been really suspicious since episode 2. It was revealed on 2 minutes extra time for The Flash that he has stored the Reverse Flash suit in his “future” closet and put the Tachyon device that the Reverse Flash stole or he did, to the yellow suit and said “Merry Christmas” with his creepy distorted voice. That’s the proof!

Screen Shot 2014-12-10 at 9.02.52 PM The show has showed some hints that Dr. Wells character is surrounded by time travel things. He knew that Barry would be The Flash, he could check the future newspapers, and at the end of the episode, he always looks so suspicious in his “future” room. If he is really Reverse Flash, did one of them actually come from the future? Because it showed that Dr. Wells and Reverse Flash were in the same room at the same time and he actually beat Wells quite hard. So it makes no sense if neither of them from the future. Or did Wells can be on two different place at one time? Maybe.

It was also revealed that at the night Barry’s mom was killed, there were two colors of lightning surrounding the house. Red and yellow. We knew that the yellow color was Reverse Flash, and we already speculated that the red one could be Barry travel back through time to save his family or at least to save himself.

Screen Shot 2014-12-10 at 9.03.59 PMThe other thing that actually bother me is the scene where Reverse Flash were trying to escape from the police by taking down all of them except Eddie Thawne. From the beginning of the show, I always believe that someday Eddie will be the Reverse Flash just like his comic book alter ego. There is no way the showrunners would named him Eddie Thawne if they did not have any plans for him to be The Flash villain. When the Reverse Flash spared Eddie, I thought that was because he was Eddie from the future. But then, it was revealed that Dr Wells has the yellow suit and can vibrate his vocal cord. But, in the comic book, Reverse Flash is actually more than one person. One is Eobard “Eddie” Thawne and the other is Hunter Zolomon. Maybe, there was actually two Reverse Flash on the show because if Dr. Wells as Reverse Flash came to present day from the future, he will be too old for that in my opinion, he might need someone else to take his place like.. Eddie. But that was just some speculations. We just need to wait for Winter Premiere to know who exactly the Reverse Flash is and what agenda that Dr. Wells had by helping Barry become The Flash.

Battle of Canaries


Arrow’s season 3 midseason finale is approaching. Next week episode, The Climb, will be the last episode before the hiatus until January, 2015.

In recent interview with TVLine , Arrow’s Executive Producer, Marc Guggenheim, spoke how Laurel will take the role of the second Canary (or we should call her Black Canary) after the death of the original Canary, Sara Lance.

“Something happens in the midseason finale (airing Dec. 10) that makes it necessary. Which is not to say [Laurel wears it] in the midseason finale, but the impetus [for the costume] will happen then.”

As we know, now, Arrow already has two Canaries for the show. Episode 10, 11, and 12 will be trilogy story for Laurel to be the new Canary and might be as well as Sara’s flashback story as the original one. It’s really good to see that Laurel finally will suit up like her comic alter-ego, Black Canary, after two seasons. Many of the fans are worried that the show runners are rushing things up for Laurel to take the mantle from Sara. But, we don’t know yet until we see the upcoming episodes. For now, let’s just see what differences of Arrow’s Original Canary and the future Black Canary.

The Canary (Sara Lance)

Sara’s CanaCanary1_533b81ea207857.91480180ry outfit is consisting of leather pants, sexy chest revealing tops and leather jacket all come in black. She uses the mask and blonde wigs to hide her true identity. The blonde wigs is not really necessary because she is already a blonde even without the wig. And for the weapon, she uses a bo-staff and a device that could create sonic sound to overwhelmed the hearing of everyone in vicinity, even for shattering glass. As one member of “League of Assassins” she shows highly skilled martial arts and on her top physical condition (she can even train on that salmon ladder).

Black Canary (Laurel Lance)

Laurel hasn’t officialKatie-Cassidy-as-Black-Canary-on-Arrowly made her appearance as Black Canary. But, from the costume revealed by CW, it shows that Laurel’s outfit is kind of similar to Sara’s but it will be less revealing. Her outfit will have more buckles and straps that give more tactical feelings. She also uses blonde wig and mask to hide her true identity. For the weapon, instead of using bo-staff, she chooses to use police baton. It’s not clear yet whether she will use the sonic device like Sara to create the Canary Cry or she will get the Canary Cry from something else (another explosions, maybe?). Laurel is now training with a boxer and former vigilante, Ted Grant, to sharpening her fighting skills.

So, which Canary you like?

For me, I love them both. I don’t know yet how the show runners will do for Katie’s Canary but, I wish her for the best. Laurel has been under the shadow for almost three seasons of Arrow and now it’s time for her to shine as the new Starling City vigilante. And Caity’s Canary is also incredible. Even though Sara is killed off from the show, she will always be the Canary that fans love and it’s nice too watch her make some guest appearance again on the show, even for flashback scene, in the upcoming episode.

Mark Hamill Cast as Trickster on The Flash

It looks like CW The Flash series will cast another actor from 90’s Flash series. It was reported that Mark Hamill will reprise his role as James Jesse, or one of Flash villain, The Trickster. The Flash has already cast the 90’s Flash, John Wesley Shipp, as Barry (Grant Gustin)’s father.

Hamill is set to appear on the season’s 17th episode. He will reprise his role as James Jesse, but, presumably with the new twist. The character was described as

Mark Hamill returns in a brand new interpretation of James Jesse (aka The Trickster), a role he originated on the 90’s ‘Flash’ series.  In this new iteration, The Trickster is an anarchist terrorist  con man serving a life sentence in Iron Heights who helps Barry (Grant Gustin) and Det. West (Jesse L. Martin) to foil the city-wide attacks of a wannabe Trickster eagerly following in the original’s deadly footsteps.   The episode will reunite him with John Wesley Shipp who went up against him as the original ‘Flash’ on the CBS version.

Flash executive producer, Andrew Kreisberg, said,”Having Mark reprise his role as The Trickster was on our original wish list when we were planning our version of The Flash.  Christmas and Chanukah came early for us this year when he said yes!  We are beyond humbled and excited to have him joining us for another round of deadly trickery!”

Source : Comicbook
