Haly’s Circus and The Flying Graysons Will be Part of GOTHAM.

It’s been roller coaster ride for Jim Gordon lately in Gotham. Working in Arkham Asylum is definitely different experience from working in GCPD. But, the trouble doesn’t seem to end yet. In episode 16, The Blind Fortune Teller, that was being shot earlier this week, will gives us kind of circus theme. Vixen Varsity has rounded up some photos and details from the set.

As you can see below, the episode will be the introduction of Haly’s Circus and The Flying Graysons. Ring a bell? Well, all of DC and Batman fans may know that Dick Grayson is Nightwing/Robin. But, it seems so unlikely to see Nightwing (or Robin) on the show because even Bruce Wayne hasn’t suited up yet as The Dark Knight. So, we definitely will se Dick’s parents as ‘The Flying Graysons’. It was said that there will be a fight between clowns and trapeze artists. Mary Lloyd, the daughter of the clown falls in love with John Garyson, the son of the trapeze artists. Jim Gordon and Dr. Leslie Tompkins are spotted in the circus together. Will they be an item?

Looks like we need to wait until February or early March to find out what happened in the circus.


And actor Rob Gorrie is set to play John Grayson.

Souce : Vixen Varsity , Morena Baccarin


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