Batman Vs. Superman DoJ : First Look at Lex Luthor

Warner Bros via EW have officially revealed the long awaited look for Jesse Eisenberg “Lex Luthor”. There were many speculations about Eisenberg’s super villain role on whether he will keep his hair or go bald. Looks like, The Social Network actor will stay faithful to his classic and comic visual interpretation of Lex Luthor. In the picture, Eisenberg is sporting bald head look for his character.

He’s not any of the Lexes that you’ve seen, that’s for sure other than him being a captain of industry and one person to the world and another person to himself. And bald, of course.” Says Zack Snyder.

Batman Vs. Superman : Dawn of Justice is set to release in 2016 and includes Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Lex Luthor as one of the main antagonists for this Man of Steel sequel.


cr : Entertainment Weekly